When to playfully challenge sexually women

I have received the following advice:

Playfully challenge sexually women and do it a lot instead of bluntly express your feelings for her.

IOW, express your feelings by your actions and let her connect the dots as if the idea of you two hooking up together was from her.

This is a very good advice in the proper context considering that communication consist of 93% non-verbal communication and only 7% is verbal and your actions.

What you say is not really important. It is what is subcommunicated by your body language, your vocal tonality.

Now consider all the short interactions of 2 minutes or less that you have with women during the day where flirting is on. The cute staff at the coffee shop. The cute woman that was in the elevator alone with you.

I don't know if I was hiding behind this specific advice for not making a move because it is comfortable or if I didn't know a better way to deal with it.

This is fvcking silly because if we don't express our feelings on the spot and make a move within the 2 minutes that the interaction last, we most likely will never see again that woman. IOW, we have nothing to lose to make a move.

As my personal marketing skills improve, I'm always looking few new ways to attract more buyers...so should you...

I don't know about you but I have a set of rules dictating my behavior. I have a conscious understanding and agreement with these behavior rules and then I forget about them and just automatically apply them without me being aware that I'm doing that. Until, I find some kind of paradox in them or something that doesn't work well. Then I need to sit down and reevaluate the rules maybe refine the rules to make them work to my liking.

Applying the Playfully challenge sexually women in 2 minutes long interations didn't work well.

It is perfect for longer interaction such as when hanging out with a woman for few hours.

So here is the resolution of my 'paradox':

  1. In a 2 minutes long interaction, once I spark attraction, expressing my feelings is high status truth. A man that says the truth without worrying about what others will think. This is a trait that woman find attractive.
  2. I can always push pull my interest by saying "I find you attractive. It's too bad that it couldn't work between us"
  3. Frame the whole thing in a challenge: "I like adventurous women and I feel that you are like that…"
  4. Display dominance by leading: "I find you interesting. I want to know more about you to see where this could lead us. My name is XYZ. Find me on FB so we can go take a coffee or a drink together and continue this fun chat."

That is it. Behavior rules fixed! Everything is congruent and better. So here is a rule that I set for myself. Identify my sticking points. Set to myself the challenge to fix them by doing something different for 2-3 weeks or by investing in myself so I can immerse myself with new knowledge and new ideas.

I know that you agree with this idea because this is how a winner thinks.

Since you have read so far, let me reward you with something that I have learned:

I have stumbled into something by accident but it is so great that I need to share.

Qualifying a girl is very important for several reasons:

  1. This will send a self-love signal to your subconscious mind. Wanting to have only the best women in your life is a good thing.
  2. She will feel special. For you to be interested in her, she has to earn it by displaying a set of qualities.

Having problem qualifying a girl?
I have the solution…

Let her help you to qualify herself to you.

I was on a date with a girl that I just met and I was playfully challenging her about her adventurousness. She wanted to show me that she was adventurous and she asked me what else in a woman is turning me on (hmmm, I like where this is heading…)

Olivier Langlois with Jason Capital

There is an acronym that Jason Capital uses in his program He Just Get Me. The acronym is ASI and it represents his 3 most important qualities that he likes to have in a women. I fully adhere to his choice. Those are really 3 fun and amazing qualities for a woman to have…

Anyway, another advice that Jason Capital gives is to always make women work to have information that they want to have. The more they invest to have it, the more value they will attribute to it.

So of course, if you say that there is an acronym for the 3 qualities that a woman needs to possess to turn you on and that it is ASI, she will want to know what ASI stands for.

Don't tell her ;-)

Play with her and challenge her to guess what ASI is. She will come up with very interesting answers such as:

  • Social
  • Sarcastic
  • Sensual
  • Sexy
  • Imaginative

And to all her guesses, you will be able to tell her: "Oh yeah, I love that one too but this is not part of ASI but since you bring that quality, do have that one?" ;-)

Here you go, with this little game, she will help you qualifying her to you and she will enjoy every moment of it!

To sum up, you want her to ask you what turns you on in a woman. Once you get asked that question, this is your cue to execute this little gem. One way to make it happen, is to ask her what turns her on in a man. Most likely than not, she will reciprocate by asking you back the opposite question.

Or, even simpler. Ask her with a smile: Do you want to know what turns me on in a woman?

Don't give it right away. Tease her first. Make her work for it. Then, drop the ASI bomb…

If you want to know what ASI stands for, visit this page.

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