Advanced Frame control (Part 1)
(How to pass shit tests...)

what is a social frame?
It is the unsaid rules governing a social interaction.

Examples of frame:
  • Job interview
  • Man and woman flirting together
  • A car salesman talking with a customer

In every example, there is someone that has the control of the frame. There are few cues to figure out who is controlling the frame. For instance:

  • Who is asking the questions? The one answering is selling himself…
  • Who is the less attached to any outcome of the interaction

By knowing that, do what you need to do to be on the right side of an interaction. In a job interview, have questions to ask. When talking to someone that you are sexually interested, make sure you have a bunch of qualification questions to ask…

Generally, there is a power struggle between members of a social interaction to determine who is controlling it because…

The one who controls the frame, usually is the person who obtain what he wants from the interaction.

In a man/woman interaction, the woman will be attracted to a man able to control the social frame and she will continually test the man capability to keep the control. This is what is commonly called shit tests that women throw at men.

If the man accept what is said in the shit test, he fails. If he keeps control of the frame despite what the woman just told, she will be even more attracted to him. It is as simple as that!

In my own words, what is frame control:

Interpreting events in a favorable/positive way for you and have the strength/power to make others accept your interpretation.

How do you make others accept your frame?

There are plenty of ways to control the frame such as being high-status, projecting certainty, having social authority in a group, and so on…

For beginners, Power Switch from Jason Capital. I know Jason Capital personally and I have met him on several occasions.

Olivier Langlois with Jason Capital

So the main frame to set that is shown in the Power Switch is: The girl qualify herself to you

Once you master that, you will realize that the frame is anything you want it to be and this is where it is becoming very fun.

here are few that I use all the time:

  • She is attracted/intrigued by me
  • She tries to impress me and works at it
  • She wants to have sex with me

By the way, simply by saying outloud your interpretation of what she does or say will SPARK attraction.

then here is the final step of sophistication and it is not very hard too.

It is to set something you want to do to her as a reward and make her work to get it.

Example: lets play a game. It is called bad girl stars. Earn 5 bad girl stars by doing stuff to me and once you do, I'll spank your ass as good as you crave to have it spanked.

You cannot get better than that…

She will be excited to the idea of having her small ass be spanked by the badass that you are AND she will do all sort of small sexual favors to you to get her stars.

Also, since it is a reward that she has to work for, she will value even more your spanking.

A HIGHLY AROUSING level value.

Of course, as she earn stars and start to play the game, it will become harder and harder for her to earn them so she will be forced to escalate on you

and by the time that it is spanking time, she will be so aroused that she will beg you to fuck her little wet pussy.

Click Here To Check Out the Power Switch Program

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